Hall-Lew, Lauren, Emma Moore, & Robert J. Podesva (eds.) 2021. Social Meaning and Linguistic Variation: Theorizing the Third Wave. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chapter 1: Hall-Lew, Lauren, Emma Moore, & Robert J. Podesva. 2021. Social Meaning and Linguistic Variation: Theoretical Foundations. In SMLV, p1-24.
Chapter 2: Hall-Lew, Lauren, Amanda Cardoso, & Emma Davis. 2021. Social Meaning and Sound Change. In SMLV, p27-53.
In 2021, Emma Moore, Rob Podesva and I published an edited volume to establish a new theoretical and empirical foundation for what Penelope Eckert (2012) has called the Third Wave of research in variationist sociolinguistics. The book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the the subfield, drawing on a wide variety of cultural and linguistic contexts. Each chapter, written by a leader in the field, posits a unique theoretical claim about social meaning and presents new empirical data. The volume makes a case for why attending to social meaning is vital to the study of variation while also providing a foundation from which variationists can productively engage with the study of semiotics and social meaning. We dedicate this volume to our colleague, mentor, and friend, Penny Eckert. Each chapter has grown from a seed that she has planted and nurtured with passionate intellect. This book exists because of her profound influence on the field in which we work and her profound influence on each of us personally.
The co-editors taking a break in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2019.(Photo by Isla Shirley)
Hall-Lew, Lauren. Changes from below and from above. In Edith Aldridge, Anne Breitbarth, Katalin É.Kiss, Adam Ledgeway, Alexandra Simonenko, and Joseph Salmons (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
Cieri, Christopher, Lauren Hall-Lew, Katie Drager, and Malcah Yaeger-Dror (eds.). Dimensions of Linguistic Variation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2024. Why San Franciscans Used to Sound Like New Yorkers. In Joey A. Stanley, Margaret E. L. Renwick, and Monica Nesbitt (eds.), Movement, Economy, Orientation: Twentieth-Century Shifts in North American English, pp167-193. Publication of the American Dialect Society 109 (1), Supplement to American Speech Volume 99. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. https://doi.org/10.1215/00031283-11587979
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2024. Phonetic cues to depression: A sociolinguistic perspective. Language and Linguistic Compass.https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12529
Markl, Nina, Catherine Lai, and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2024. Language Technologies as if People mattered: Centering Communities in Language Technology Development. In The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation: LREC-COLING 2024. Language Resources Association (ELRA)/International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) Torino, Italy, May 20-22. (embargoed access)
Wan, Tsung-Lun, Lauren Hall-Lew, and Claire Cowie. 2024. Feeling disabled: Vowel quality and assistive hearing devices in embodying affect. Language in Society, 53(1): 71-97. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047404522000380 (open access)
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Zuzana Elliott, Jessica Göbel, Claire Cowie, and Nina Markl. 2023. Variation in the Scottish BIT vowel: Comparing two corpora. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. (ID: 740.) [Link to PDF]
Cowie, Claire, Lauren Hall-Lew, Zuzana Elliott, Anita Klingler, Nina Markl and Stephen Joseph McNulty. 2022. Imagining the city in lockdown: Place in the COVID-19 self-recordings of the Lothian Diary Project. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5:945643. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/frai.2022.945643
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Claire Cowie, Catherine Lai, Nina Markl, Stephen Joseph McNulty, Shan-Jan Sarah Liu, Clare Llewellyn, Beatrice Alex, Zuzana Elliott, and Anita Klingler. 2022. The Lothian Diary Project: Sociolinguistic Methods during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Linguistics Vanguard. 8(s3). https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/lingvan-2021-0053/html (open access)
2021 (other publications than those above)
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Patrick Honeybone and James Kirby. 2021. Individuals, communities, and sound change: an introduction. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 6(1): 67. 1–17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.1630
Kirby, James, Lauren Hall-Lew, & Patrick Honeybone (eds.). 2021. Special Collection: Individuals, Communities, and Sound Change. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics. https://www.glossa-journal.org/collections/566/
Boyd, Zac, Josef Fruehwald, and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2021. Cross-linguistic perceptions of /s/ among English, French, and German Listeners. Language Variation and Change 33(2), 165-191. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954394521000089
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Claire Cowie, Stephen Joseph McNulty, Nina Markl, Catherine Lai, Clare Llewellyn, Beatrice Alex, Nini Fang, Zuzana Elliott, and Anita Klinger. 2021. The Lothian Diary Project: Investigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Edinburgh and Lothian Residents. Journal of Open Humanities Data 7(4):1–5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/johd.25
Hall-Lew, Lauren. Editorial. 2021. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Papers in Sociolinguistics 7(1):1. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Graeme Trousdale. 2020. Breksit or Bregzit: When Political Ideology Drives Language Ideology. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 26(2): 89-98. [Link to PDF]
Fridland, Valerie, Alicia Wassink, Lauren Hall-Lew and Tyler Kendall (eds.). 2020. Speech in the Western States, Volume 3: Understudied Dialects. Publication of the American Dialect Society 103, Supplement to American Speech. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Fridland, Valerie, Alicia Wassink, Lauren Hall-Lew and Tyler Kendall. 2020. Introduction. In Valerie Fridland, Alicia Wassink, Lauren Hall-Lew and Tyler Kendall (eds.), Speech in the Western States, Volume 3: Understudied Dialects. Publication of the American Dialect Society 103, Supplement to American Speech. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Heidi Harley. 2020. Work-Family Balance in Academia. In Lori Flores and Jocelyn Olcott (eds.), The Academics' Handbook, Chapter 34. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press.
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Zac Boyd. 2020. Sociophonetic Perspectives on Stylistic Diversity in Speech Research. Linguistics Vanguard 6(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2018-0063
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Inês Paiva Couceiro, and Amie Fairs. 2020. Credibility Without Intelligibility: Implications for Hearing Vernacular Speakers. In Renée Blake and Isabelle Buchstaller (eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Work of John R. Rickford, pp. 220-230. New York and London: Routledge.
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2020a. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Papers in Sociolinguistics 6(2):1. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2020b. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Papers in Sociolinguistics 6(1):1-2. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2019. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Papers in Sociolinguistics 5(1):1. [Link to PDF]
Stephens, Nola, Lauren Hall-Lew and Vickie Shamp Ellis. 2018. I’m like, “Really? You were home-schooled?”: Quotative variation by high school type and linguistic style. American Speech 93 (1): 108-138. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2018a. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Papers in Sociolinguistics 4(1):1. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2018b. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Papers in Sociolinguistics 4(2):1. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Bartlomiej Plichta. 2018. Technological Challenges in Sociolinguistic Data Collection. In Christine Mallinson, Becky Childs, and Gerard Van Herk (eds.) Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications, 2nd Edition, pp131-133. London and New York: Routledge. [Book website]
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Mirjam Eiswirth, Mary-Caitlyn Valentinsson, and William Cotter. 2017. Northern Arizona Vowels. In Valerie Fridland, Alicia Wassink, Tyler Kendall and Betsy E. Evans, eds. Speech in the Western States, Volume 2: The Mountain West, pp59-82. Publication of the American Dialect Society 102, Supplement to American Speech, Volume 92. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Ruth Friskney, and James M. Scobbie. 2017. Accommodation or political identity: Scottish members of the UK Parliament. Language Variation and Change. 29(3): 341–363. [Link to PDF]
Dickson, Victoria and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2017. Class, Gender and Rhoticity: The Social Stratification of Non-prevocalic /r/ in Edinburgh Speech. Journal of English Linguistics. 45(3): 229-259.[Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Zac Boyd. 2017. Phonetic Variation and Self-Recorded Data. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 23(2): 85–95. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2017. English in North America. In Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma, Eds., The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes, pp371-388. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Online pre-print].
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2017a. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Working Papers on Intraspeaker Variation. 3(2):1. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2017b. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Working Papers on Intraspeaker Variation. 3(1):1. [Link to PDF]
Cardoso, Amanda, Lauren Hall-Lew, Yova Kemenchedjieva, and Ruaridh Purse. 2016. Between California and the Pacific Northwest: The Front Lax Vowels in San Francisco English. In Valerie Fridland, Betsy Evans, Tyler Kendall, and Alicia Wassink, eds. Speech in the Western States, Volume 1: The Coastal States, pp. 33-54. Publication of the American Dialect Society. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. [Link to PDF] doi: 10.1215/00031283-3772890
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2016a. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Working Papers on Intraspeaker Variation. 2(2):1. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2016b. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Working Papers on Intraspeaker Variation. 2(1):1-2. [Link to PDF]
Boyd, Zac, Zuzana Elliott, Josef Fruehwald, Lauren Hall-Lew, and Daniel Lawrence. 2015. An Evaluation of Sociolinguistic Elicitation Methods. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 800. [PDF]
Elliott, Zuzana and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2015. Production of FACE and GOAT by Slovak and Czech immigrants in Edinburgh. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 808. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Amanda Cardoso, Yova Kemenchedjieva, Kieran Wilson, Ruaridh Purse, and Julie Saigusa. 2015. San Francisco English and the California Vowel Shift. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 591. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Amie Fairs, and Alan A. Lew. 2015. Tourists Attitudes towards Linguistic Variation in Scotland. In Eivind Torgersen, Stian Hårstad, Britt Mæhlum and Unn Røyneland (eds.), Language variation - European Perspectives V, Studies in Language Variation (SILV) series, pp99-110. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [Publisher's Page] [Pre-print PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2015. Editorial. Lifespans & Styles: Undergraduate Working Papers on Intraspeaker Variation. 1:1-2. [Link to PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Amy Wing-mei Wong. 2014. Coding for demographic categories in the creation of legacy corpora: Asian American ethnic identities. Language & Linguistics Compass, 8(11): 564-576. [Enhanced Article]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2014. Chinese Social Practice and San Franciscan Authenticity. In Veronique Lacoste, Jakob Leimgruber, and Thiemo Breyer, Eds., Indexing Authenticity: Sociolinguistic Perspectives, pp55-77. FRIAS Linguae & Litterae series. Berlin: de Gruyter. [Google Books]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Alan A. Lew. 2014. Speaking Heritage: Language, Identity and Tourism. In Alan A. Lew, C. Michael Hall and Allan M. Williams, Eds., The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism, 2nd Edn, pp336-348. Oxford: Blackwell. [Google Books]
Nycz, Jennifer and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2014. Best Practices in Measuring Vowel Merger. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), vol 20. [Link to Download]
Lew, Alan A., Lauren Hall-Lew, and Amie Fairs. 2014. Language and Tourism in Sabah, Malaysia and Edinburgh, Scotland. In O'Rourke, Bernadette, Nicola Bermingham and Sara Brennen, Eds. Opening New Lines of Communication in Applied Linguistics: Proceedings of the 46th BAAL Annual Meeting, pp253-259. London: Scitsiugnil Press. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Amy Wing-mei Wong. 2014. Chinese. In Di Paolo, Marianna and Arthur Spears (eds.) Languages and Dialects in the U.S.: Focus on Diversity and Linguistics, pp163-179. London: Routledge. [Google Books]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Malcah Yaeger-Dror. 2014. New Perspectives on Linguistic Variation and Ethnic Identity in North America. In Lauren Hall-Lew & Malcah Yaeger-Dror, Eds., Special Issue: "New Perspectives on Linguistic Variation and Ethnic Identity in North America." Language and Communication 35(1): 1-8. [Link to Download]
Wong, Amy Wing-mei and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2014. Regional Variability and Ethnic Identity: Chinese Americans in New York City and San Francisco. In Lauren Hall-Lew & Malcah Yaeger-Dror, Eds., Special Issue: "New Perspectives on Linguistic Variation and Ethnic Identity in North America." Language and Communication 35(1): 27-42. [Link to Download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2013. English in North America. In Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma, Eds., The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199777716.013.006 [Google Book link]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2013. `Flip-flop' and mergers-in-progress. English Language and Linguistics, 17(2): 359-390. DOI:10.1017/S1360674313000063 [Link to download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Nola Stephens. 2012. Country Talk. Journal of English Linguistics. 40(3): 256-280. DOI:10.1177/0075424211420568 [Link to download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Sonya Fix. 2012. Perceptual coding reliability of (L)-vocalization in casual speech data. Lingua. 122: 794-809. DOI:10.1016/j.lingua.2011.12.005 [Link to download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Rebecca L. Starr and Elizabeth Coppock. 2012. Style-Shifting in the U.S. Congress: The vowels of 'Iraq(i)'. In Juan Manuel Hernandez Campoy and Juan Antonio Cutillas Espinosa, Eds., Style-Shifting in Public: New Perspectives on Stylistic Variation, pp45-63. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Pre-proof PDF] or [Google Book]
Podesva, Robert J., Lauren Hall-Lew, Jason Brenier, Rebecca L. Starr and Stacy Lewis. 2012. Condoleezza Rice and the sociophonetic construction of Identity. In Juan Manuel Hernandez Campoy and Juan Antonio Cutillas Espinosa, Eds. Style-Shifting in Public: New Perspectives on Stylistic Variation, pp65-80. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Google Book]
Ladd, D. Robert and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2012. Commentary on Cohen, Emma, "The evolution of tag-based cooperation in humans: the case for accent," Current Anthropology, 53(5): 608. [Full paper by Cohen]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2011. The Completion of a Sound Change in California English. Publication of the 17th International Conference of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII). Hong Kong. [PDF] or [Slides]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2011. Norsemen, Normans, and Now: A book for today's English language history student. Review of Charles Barber, Joan C. Beal & Philip A. Shaw, Eds. "The English Language: A Historical Introduction," 2nd ed. American Speech. 86(2): 264-268. [Link to download]
Bodomo, Adams, Charles Marfo and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2010. Let's Speak Twi: A Proficiency Course in Akan Language and Culture. Stanford, CA: [CSLI Publications].
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2010. Ethnicity and Sociolinguistic Variation in San Francisco. Language & Linguistics Compass. 4(7):458-472. [Link to download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Rebecca L. Starr. 2010. Beyond the 2nd Generation: English use among Chinese Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area. In a special issue on "Social and Linguistic State of 2nd Generation Americans," English Today, 26(3):12-19 [Link to download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Elizabeth Coppock and Rebecca L. Starr. 2010. Indexing Political Persuasion: Variation in the Iraq Vowels. American Speech. 85(1):91-102. [Link to download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2010. Improved representation of variance in measures of vowel merger. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA). 9(1). [Link to download]
Yaeger-Dror, Malcah, Tania Granadillo, Shoji Takano, and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2010. The Sociophonetics of Prosodic Contours on NEG in Three Language Communities: Teasing apart Sociolinguistic and Phonetic Influences on Speech. In Dennis Preston and Nancy Niedzielski, Eds. A reader in sociophonetics (Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 219). New York: Walter de Gruyter, Inc. 133-176. [Google Book]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2010. Ethnicity and Sound Change in San Francisco English. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. University of California, Berkeley. 111-122. [Link to purchase]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2009. Ethnicity and Phonetic Variation in a San Francisco Neighborhood. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Stanford University, Stanford, CA. [Link to download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2008. Untitled review of John E. Joseph. "Language and Politics." Discourse and Society. 19: 689-691. [Link to download]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2007. Untitled review of Walt Wolfram and Natalie Schilling-Estes. "American English." Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 26: 92-96. [Link to download]
Scarborough, Rebecca, Jason Brenier, Yuan Zhao, Lauren Hall-Lew and Olga Dmitrieva. 2007. An Acoustic Study of Real and Imagined Foreigner-Directed Speech. Publication of the 16th International Conference of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVI). Saarbruecken, Germany. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2006. Glides Participate in Harmony: Evidence from Akan Dialects. Unpublished manuscript. Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2006. Arizona's Not So Standard English. In Walt Wolfram and Ben Ward, Eds. American Voices: How dialects differ from coast to coast. Malden, MA: Blackwell. [Google Book]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2005. One Shift, Two Groups: When fronting alone is not enough. University of Philadelphia Working Papers in Linguistics: Selected Papers from NWAVE 32, 10(2): 105-116. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2004. The Western Vowel Shift in Northern Arizona. Unpublished manuscript. Stanford University, Stanford, CA. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2004. Untitled book notice of Ming Chao Gui. "Kunming Chinese". Language, 80(4): 890-891. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2004. Untitled book notice of Ming Chao Gui. "Yunnanese and Kunming Chinese: A study of the language communities, the phonological systems, and the phonological developments." Language, 80(4): 891. [PDF]
Yaeger-Dror, Malcah, Sharon Deckert and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2003. Situational variation in intonational strategies. In P. Leistyna and C. Meyer (eds.). Corpus Analysis: Language Structure & Language Use, Rodopi: Amsterdam. 209-224. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2003. Untitled review of James E. Alatis, Heidi E. Hamilton and Ai-Hui Tan, Eds., "Linguistics, Language and the Professions: Education, Journalism, Law, Medicine and Technology: Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2000." Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 22: 345-350. [Link to download]
Yaeger-Dror, Malcah, Lauren Hall-Lew and Sharon Deckert. 2002. "It's not or isn't it? Using large corpora to determine the influences on contraction strategies." Language Variation and Change. 14(1):79-118. [Link to download]
Yaeger-Dror, Malcah and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2002. Presidential use of negation. In Texas Linguistic Forum 45 (Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium about Language and Society, Austin), 187-194. University of Texas, Austin.
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2002. English Loanwords in Mandarin Chinese. Unpublished Manuscript. The University of Arizona. [PDF]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2002. Untitled review of Battina Baron and Helga Kotthoff, Eds., "Gender in Interaction." LinguistList. [Link]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2001. Untitled review of Mobo C.F. Gao, "Mandarin Chinese: An Introduction." LinguistList. [Link]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2001. Untitled review of Suzanne Romaine, "Communicating Gender." Journal of Sociolinguistics, 5(1): 109-111. [TOC]
Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2023. Social indexicality and its potential influence on language learning. Annual conference of the Association of University Language Communities in the UK and Ireland (AULC). Edinburgh, Scotland. 27-28 April. Video of presentation available here: https://www.ed.ac.uk/lifelong-learning/our-programmes/languages-for-all/annual-conference
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Claire Cowie, Stephen Joseph McNulty, Nina Markl, Shan-Jan Sarah Liu, Catherine Lai, Clare Llewellyn, Beatrice Alex, Nini Fang, Zuzana Elliott. 2021. The Lothian Video Diary Project. Linguistic Society of America (LSA), 7-10 January, online (Pacific Standard Time).
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Shan-Jan Sarah Liu, Clare Llewellyn, and Stephen McNulty. 2020. Lothian Lockdown: The Lothian Diary Project. Politics & International Relations in Turbulent Times, 30 October. School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Alice Turk. 2019. Elizabeth T. Uldall: Innovations in Phonetic Method and Theory. The annual colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society, 5–7 September, Edinburgh, UK.
Kirby, James & Lauren Hall-Lew. 2015. Studying socially stratified linguistic variation in the Edinburgh Phonetics Recording Archive. Modeling variability in speech, 1-2 October, Stuttgart, Germany.
Ladd, D. Robert, Patricia Bestelmeyer, Lauren Hall-Lew, & Pascal Belin. 2011. Imaging studies of the processing of propositional and indexical information in speech. Variation and Language Processing 2011 (VaLP 2011), 11-13 April, University of Chester, Chester, UK.
Coleman, John and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2011. Grid-based corpora, tools and workflows. New Tools and Methods for Very Large-Scale Phonetics Research Workshop (VLSP). 29-31 January, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Lew, Alan A. and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2010. Voices of Authenticity. International Geographical Union (IGU) Regional Conference. 12-16 July, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Lauren Hall-Lew. 2010. The Social Meaning of Loanword Pronunciation. Panel on Translation, President's Seminars series. 10 May, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Rose, Mary and Lauren Hall-Lew. 2008. Ranchers and farmers: Social meaning and linguistic variation in US rural communities. (Panel Title: Contemporary Ruralities: Language, Identity, and Place). Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). 19-23 November, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Elisabeth Norcliffe. 2006. 'A Chinese walks into a bar...': English Ethnonym Ideologies. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 35 (NWAV35). 9-12 November, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA. [Slides]