Nadir Junco (MScR, 2023) - Perception and Production of Singular They in British English
Nina Markl (PhD, 2023) - Language variation, automatic speech recognition and algorithmic bias
Angel Garmpi (MScR, 2023) - Doing and undoing (de)transition in an online detrans community: a Corpus Assisted Discourse Study
Rosa Balliro (MScR, 2022) - Vowel Variation and Social Class in Southeast England
Tsung-Lun Alan Wan (PhD, 2022) - Disability and Sociophonetic Variation among Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Speakers of Taiwan Mandarin
Elizabeth Adeolu (PhD, 2021) - H-deletion and H-insertion in Nigerian Englishes: Their Sociolinguistic and Extralinguistic Constraints and Their Enregisterment as the 'H'-factor
Mirjam Eiswirth (PhD, 2019) - It’s all about the interaction: Listener responses as a Discourse-organisational variable
Yujing Su (MScR, 2019) - Chinese gay men’s production of /s/ and /ɕ/ in standard Chinese Mandarin as indexes of non-heteronormativity
Zac Boyd (PhD, 2018) - Cross-Linguistic Variation of /s/ as an Index of Non-Normative Sexual Orientation and Masculinity in French and German Gay Men
Zuzana Elliott (PhD, 2018) - Sociolinguistic variation among Slovak immigrants in Edinburgh, Scotland
Daniel Lawrence (PhD, 2017) - Sound Change and Social Meaning: The Perception and Production of Phonetic Change in York, Northern England.
Ruth Friskney (PhD, 2015) - Apologies and the police
Michael Hobart (2014), One Social Meaning – Two Languages: Sociophonetic Markers Indexing Identity in Bilinguals [see also]
Ifigenia Papageorgiou (PhD, 2011) - When Language Policy and Pedagogy Conflict: Pupil's and Educator's 'Practiced Language Policies' in an English-Medium Kindergarten Classroom in Greece